West’s obsession with ‘liberating’ Muslim countries

Kashmir Times. Dated: 10/19/2013 12:07:25 AM

Dear Editor,
The USA with its allies has meddled enough in the Muslim countries in the name of liberating them – from Afghanistan to Libya, and now Syria. Needless to say that getting involved in “liberating” Iraq and Egypt and other countries has proved counter-productive. Where is the liberation and democracy that the western powers talked about. The involvement in Afghanistan cannot be justified but this was done in response to 9/11, an emotional decision to stand side by side with the USA facing this tragedy. But ever since the west has gone on an overdrive of demonising the Muslim world and Islam. Former US president George Bush talked of clash of two civilizations and the country ever since has pursued a policy of ‘liberating’ countries that were deemed not suitable for democracy due to being part of Islam which derides the concept of democracy, embraces Sharia law and other backward medieval concepts.
Of course, it never was about liberation and democracy in the first place. Slogans thrown in front of the unreflective masses who needed to be given a moral reason for these crusades which, as the more informed of us know full well, was always only about one thing: Oil! Western greed as always. Nothing more to say.
--Imran Shafi, B.A –Part III



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