World Mental Health Day

By S Mukhtar. Dated: 10/9/2017 11:53:14 PM

"Uncle, - 10 October: World Mental Health Day."
"Yes. It was observed first in 1992 and ever since on the same date."
"But why?"
"O heartrending! Years down, one in ten children, and one in four adults, have had some mental health problem. The commonest mental disorders result from depression and anxiety. Globally, more than 300 million people suffer from depression disorders; more than 260 million suffer from anxiety disorders; and many of these people suffer from both disorders. These disorders have a strong impact on the ability to work productively and cost the global economy, as estimated in a recent WHO-led study, US$ 1 trillion each year in lost productivity. And that is why World Mental Health Day was decided to be observed. Australia and some other countries observe one whole Mental Health Week around this Day."
"Uncle, how exactly was the Day born?"
"The Day was born at the initiative of the World Federation for Mental Health - a global mental health organization with members and contacts in more than 150 countries, and then duly recognized by the World Health Organisation."
"Good Uncle, themes of the Day?"
"Yes, some, year-wise, - 2017: Mental health in the workplace; 2016: Psychological First Aid; 2015: Dignity in Mental Health; 2014: Living with Schizophrenia."
"Uncle, prime objectives behind the observance of the Day… what?"
"Well, the prime objective is to provide an opportunity 'for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to make mental health care a reality for people worldwide.' This year's observance particularly aims at motivating employers and managers put in such workplace initiatives as evolve a positive working environment, promote mental health, and support employees who have mental disorders so that their health improves and thereby does their productivity at work also."
"Good Uncle, the Day and its observance so good…but any global plans too to save and promote mental health?"
"Yes dear. We have the Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020 as adopted by the 66th World Health Assembly."
"O, what its objectives?"
"Yes dear, four major global objectives: Strengthen effective leadership and governance for mental health; Provide comprehensive, integrated, and responsive mental health care services; Implement strategies for prevention and promotion of mental health; and, Strengthen information systems, evidence, and research for mental health. Each objective lists one or two specific targets that provide the basis for measurable collective action and achievement by Member States."
"Great Uncle, all that very good, but more and more attention must always be given to global mental health and most so in war torn areas. Always there are the worst sufferers."
"Dear: Live long!"



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