PM should speak on common people's issues

Kashmir Times. Dated: 10/27/2020 12:19:51 AM

Dear Editor,
It should be noticed that prime minister Narendra Modi, addressing his first rally in Bihar on Friday for the election starting next week, referred to criticism of his government's move to end special status to Jammu and Kashmir under Article 370 and targeted the opposition. I think it is like the policy of divided and rule, which was used to last ruling power in India by British. Otherwise what is the connection for the article 370 to the State of Bihar. What about migrant labourers? How they were rattled by unplanned and abrupt unilateral, nationwide lockdown announced by PM? What about employment? What about the special status of the State of Bihar? It seems that the sole objective of removal of the article 370 was to be able to get votes in other states by boosting we have done what no one dared to do in 70 years. Has there been any development or improvement in the last 14 months in Kashmir? PM should focus on issues related to common people of the State and should not make promises which he forgets after election as he had done in 2015 in the same State.
--B O Changa West Bengal



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